What are the advantages of having a mentor? The most successful people have mentors guiding their progress. It's difficult to overestimate the positive influence a mentor can have on your success. Finding a great mentor is a challenge, but it's worth the work. A mentor can take you places you've never been and do so at breakneck speed. Consider finding a mentor to assist with your aspirations. Benefits and Advantages...

Are there questions you should not ask your mentor? Yes there are, do you know them? Most people would agree that a mentor is someone who has the time, expertise, and experience to give valuable advice. However, there are boundaries that you need to be aware of so that you do not put your mentoring relationship in jeopardy by asking the wrong questions. It's a common misconception that your mentor...

We all need to be productive in our lives, but what if we can't focus? Learn how to get focused and be productive. The most important thing is that we try. It's not always easy and it might take some time, but the more you do something the better you'll get at it. This blog post will teach you how to get focused and be productive! Are You Productive or...

To know how successful your business mentorship program is, you'll have to measure its progress. A successful mentoring program help break down the obstacles and create an environment for success. A mentoring program connects people who possess certain skills and have attained a level of expertise in a business line, usually referred to as a mentor, with individuals (called mentees) seeking guidance in the same line of business to boost...

What are some ways to get organized for productivity at work? It is important to have systems that work for you, so that you can stay organized. Higher productivity is attained when people are well-organized. People are often disorganized because they feel overwhelmed. They can't find the information they need, can't make things happen, or don't know where to start. Any project can be broken down into manageable pieces. This...

A leadership and management training program is essential in organizational development. Leadership refers to the ability to influence, direct the behaviors and directional purpose of others in a group. According to Warren Dennis, a top leadership expert, "leadership is the capability to bring to reality the vision of a group." In an organizational setting, leadership is needed to help the organization achieve its aims and objectives to put it on...

What makes a successful mentoring relationship? Mentoring is an appropriate way to help individuals without experience grow and develop in a particular career path or profession. As a mentor, the job you have at your hands is to help your mentee build needed skills as a leader or strategist, to guide your mentee into making good, sound, and positive decisions that would positively help your mentee in their career path....

Like every other mentor, business mentors mentor people, their mentees, in the business landscape. Here are ways business mentoring creates a lasting difference. In our everyday life, people need a guide, usually, someone with the knowledge they seek or with the experience they lack to help them with a guide on how to scale problems and advance towards unchartered territories. An individual who wakes up one morning and decides to...

Are you familiar with strategies for fuel-efficient mentorship? As a mentor, it gets to a point in your mentorship career that you would have many mentees to attend to, and this should take bulk of your time. When it gets to this, having the time to give each mentee the necessary and needed attention that they deserve becomes a problem; this is where a fuel-efficient kind of mentorship comes into...

A marketing funnel is used to connect the dots between your leads and your marketing strategy. Another way to think about this tool is the process of starting at step zero to ensure that you develop a successful marketing strategy. They are very important and aid in reaching out to prospective clients. The ultimate goal of the marketing funnel approach is to ensure that you maximize your time. By creating...