Why every start-up needs a business mentor? In life, everyone has at least one person—friends or families they run to for advice, counsel and help. It is because they can empathetically relate with you and proffer solutions. After all, they have been there and have more experience. This applies to all areas of life. There is no starting up any form of business without seeking advice from an experienced hand...

What to Look For in a Mentor? Before deciding to seek out a mentor, you must first determine what you hope to gain from the relationship. That means you need to spend time thinking about both your short and long term goals. Once you're fully clear on where you want to be, the selection process becomes that much easier. Mentors are crucial to any business, and the wrong one can...

How do you write a press release that is successful for your business? If you're unsure, don't worry. Here you will learn Business Press Release tips that will help you succeed to get your message out. A press release is perfect for getting the word out. A well-written and thoughtfully planned press release can be an effective way of conveying information about anything from new products to company updates. But...

Everybody knows that anything worthwhile in life will require some hard work. This doesn't mean that you need to be exhausted or unable to sleep at night. Here are three ways to work smarter and not harder for small businesses to achieve success. Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses account for more than half of all private-sector employment and...