Do you have brand management strategies for success? Starting up any kind of business is not easy. Sustaining that business is a different ball game altogether. Good sustenance will keep you in business but it does not equate to success. What determines success then, you may ask. It is how your brand is perceived by your customers and people at large that determines the success of your brand. Established brands...

How To Improve Business Reputation? As an entrepreneur, having an idea of how your business is perceived by your customers or even other business owners are important. Your business character cannot please everyone, but how many percentages of people can say they love your business character? Carrying out a statistical poll to ascertain the answer might be difficult. But if the rough estimate is below 60% then you have a...

A marketing funnel is used to connect the dots between your leads and your marketing strategy. Another way to think about this tool is the process of starting at step zero to ensure that you develop a successful marketing strategy. They are very important and aid in reaching out to prospective clients. The ultimate goal of the marketing funnel approach is to ensure that you maximize your time. By creating...

How do you write a press release that is successful for your business? If you're unsure, don't worry. Here you will learn Business Press Release tips that will help you succeed to get your message out. A press release is perfect for getting the word out. A well-written and thoughtfully planned press release can be an effective way of conveying information about anything from new products to company updates. But...

Are you a business owner who is looking for ways to increase your sales? If so, you may want to consider using a full funnel marketing strategy for business owners. Full-funnel marketing involves using a variety of different marketing techniques to capture the attention of potential customers and convince them to buy your product or service. By using a full- funnel marketing strategy, you can reach more potential customers and...

Everybody knows that anything worthwhile in life will require some hard work. This doesn't mean that you need to be exhausted or unable to sleep at night. Here are three ways to work smarter and not harder for small businesses to achieve success. Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. According to the Small Business Administration, small businesses account for more than half of all private-sector employment and...

What online reputation management mistakes do business make? Today’s internet is like the set of encyclopedias those guys used to knock on your door selling. It contains all the answers you’re looking for if you search long enough. There isn’t much of anything you won’t find using Google or some other web search provider. They’ve taken the key phrase ‘knowledge is power’ to a whole new level. This can be...

Do you know how to share user generated content on Instagram? Want to share your customers’ posts on Instagram? Wondering how to find and use your customers' content without breaking Instagram’s Terms of Service? How to Share User Generated Content on Instagram As a business, it is important to find ways to share user generated content on Instagram. This can be done in a few ways. One way is to...